Dear students,

We are seeking CI students to speak with us about their journeys through college. These conversations take about 30-minutes and are conducted with Zoom (which means you can participate from any quiet location with a good internet connection). They are casual and fun and give you a chance to speak about yourself. There are no wrong answers, you just share your experiences and we take it from there.

Student stories are the heart of this podcast. Currently, we have a particular need for stories from students who:

  • Are currently enrolled as an undergraduate student
  • Identify as an underrepresented group (minority or/and first-generation college student) and
  • HaveĀ storiesĀ about one or both of the following topics:
    • how online classes have improved their access to higher education
    • characteristics of online classes that create meaningful learning experiences

If you are a student who would like to speak with us, fill out this form, which provides your consent for the interview, and we’ll be in touch!


The Teaching & Learning Innovations at CI team